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  • Mathias Bavay's avatar
    The 1D regression component is now coming into shape: the Fit1D class receives... · 42b4e784
    Mathias Bavay authored
    The 1D regression component is now coming into shape: the Fit1D class receives two vectors (of X and Y), compute a specified regression model, then transparently provides modelled values (calling fit1D.f()). Introducing a new regression model consists of implementing this f() method as well as a method computing initial guesses. A new method has been introduced in libInterpol1D that computes the derivative of a data set, given a vector of X and a vector of Y. Another method has been implemented to sort such two vectors in order of increasing X.
    Partial pivoting has been implemented in Matrix, and complete pivoting has been started but is not finished yet (it will throw an exception if used).