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Workshop material for analysing spatially autocorrelated (SAC) data
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This command line utility reads Campbell Scientific binary data files as created by these data loggers and outputs them in ascii format to the standard output. Several output profiles are available: csv, xmgrace, sql, tob32 traditional output. Tob1,
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Frontend for the Envidat platform which provides environmental research data from researchers of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape.
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Codes related to DN Karger, AM Wilson, C Mahony, NE Zimmermann, W Jetz 'Global daily 1km land surface precipitation based on cloud cover-informed downscaling', arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.10108.
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Codes related to CHELSA EarthEnv project. Karger, D.N., Wilson, A.M., Mahony, C., Zimmermann, N.E., Jetz, W. (in review) 'Global daily 1km land surface precipitation based on cloud cover-informed downscaling', Scientific Data
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This python code uses the Finite Element library FENICS (via docker) to solve the one dimensional partial differential equations for heat and mass transfer in snow. The results are written in vtk format from which the paper figure is reproduced.
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This is the public repository for the ecostat coffee breaks meeting at 10am every Wednesday.
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A collection of example scripts to run jobs on hyperion, the HPC@WSL