WSL/SLF GitLab Repository

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  • Mathias Bavay's avatar
    A new date format has been added: RFC868. Two MeteoGrids have been renamed:... · 7b639ecc
    Mathias Bavay authored
    A new date format has been added: RFC868. Two MeteoGrids have been renamed: ISW_DIR as ISWR_DIR and ISW_DIFF as ISWR_DIFF while a new grid has been declared (P_SEA). A few new constants have been declared. Some new links into the GRIB documentation as well as support for TAU_CLD. The NetCDF support is much improved, although there are still things left to do (writing grids out has been disabled for the moment, the parsing of the time units is currently not done, there is no support for automatically getting the data out of multiple files in a directory, etc).